At the end, when Hiro fist-bumps the gauntlet Baymax rocket-punched to save him and Callaghan's daughter, the fist opens to reveal Baymax's personality chip.At the end of the presentation, when everyone is applauding Hiro, Cass is manically shouting "That's my nephew! My family! I love my family!" While tugging the arm of the stranger next to her, who just smiles at this.The whole thing was so very much like the "brighter tomorrow" shows, displays, and tech demos that are liberally incorporated throughout both Tomorrowland and Epcot Center. Hiro's demonstration of the Microbots is this, because it felt like a tribute to ol' Walt himself, kinda like a subtler version of the "keep moving forward" Arc Words from Meet the Robinsons.While resting on a wind power turbine after their first flight, Baymax notices Hiro's feet swaying, then proceeds to copy him.
Hiro: I fail to see how YOU fail to see THAT IT'S AWESOME!!! FULL THRUST! Their desire to stick with Hiro may also be fueled for their love for him. Not to mention that they were all extremely close to Tadashi.On the other side they are a big reason Hiro wants to get into their school.In the limited time of the film, it was a good way to show their bond forming even before the main plot kicks off. Note that on the montage of Hiro creating the Microbots, you see the occasional frames of the gang helping.The fact that four young adults were so accepting of their best friend's kid brother that they stuck it out with him all the way to the end, doing whatever they could for him they may just be the best friends he's ever had.While clad in bright red, sleek, somewhat-aggressive-looking armor. The scene at Fred's house where Baymax absentmindedly follows a butterfly.Cass does the exact same thing when she picks the pair up from the jail.When Tadashi first rescues Hiro from the angry bot-fighters, he asks if Hiro is okay before he starts scolding him.Tadashi claims he could do much better, and Hiro retorts something to the effect of "What, and go to a boring old college like you?" Tadashi then proceeds to show him just how "boring" his college is and what Hiro could really accomplish if he applied. A major source of conflict between the brothers during the first act is Hiro using his incredible skills in robotics to hustle and win at illegal bot fights.Fred belonging to such an organization is a CMOH in and of itself. One of those organizations is an expy of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Fred is involved in many not-for-profit volunteer organizations, so much so that he was written a recommendation to be the mascot of someone else's school. It makes even more sense if you read some of the supplementary material.This exchange between Hiro and Krei before the former goes into the portal to save Abigail.įred: Hiro, if I could have only one superpower right now, it'd be the ability to crawl through this camera, and give you a big hug.It's a nice touch to show that, really, he's not a bad guy. Looking closely, you can see that Alistair Krei is the one who's unveiling the Tadashi Hamada Convention Hall.The credits also show a news article about the opening of a new building at the college, named after Tadashi.During the credits, the officer at the station is shown with a new tape dispenser as a gift from Hiro and Baymax, and the officer is smiling.Here is the most important part of that scene, recreated in gifs.Baymax knows it's exactly what Hiro needs to hear at the moment. Combined with the above point, in-universe Hiro is looking right at Tadashi as the recording says this.This could mean the world for any viewers who need some uplifting words. Even more touching is that during the above quote, Tadashi is looking straight into Baymax's camera - and effectively at the audience.Which is all after Baymax points to his chest and says "Tadashi is here" before cuing up the video.Tadashi has just made the biggest breakthrough of his life, and all he wants to do is share it with his little brother. You don't understand this yet, but people need you."