Gendou Ikari, head of the organization, seeks compatible pilots who can synchronize with the. Humanitys last hope lies in the hands of Nerv, a special agency under the United Nations, and their Evangelions, giant machines capable of defeating the Angels who herald Earths ruin. In the year 2015, the world stands on the brink of destruction. Neon Genesis Evangelion, Shinseiki Evangelion.
In Misato's line "Damn! Why'd I have to lose him at a time like this?", the word "damn" was cut.Evangelion: 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon a Time: Directed by Mahiro Maeda, Katsuichi Nakayama, Kazuya Tsurumaki, Hideaki Anno. Featuring the voices of Spike Spencer, Tiffany Grant, Allison Keith, Sue Ulu, Tristan MacAvery, & Amanda Winn Lee. This comes from the out of print DVD by Manga Entertainment. NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE VERSION UP ON NETFLIX. Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode 4 English Subbed was a blockbuster.Censorship USA censorship Cartoon Network For the sake of preservation here is the original English Dub of The End Of Evangelion from the Neon Genesis Evangelion series.
The scene that shows Misato's photograph was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast, due to the photos drawing attention to her breasts. To ensure that everyone can enjoy their favorite anime shows, this website uploads dubbed episodes where possible. The list also includes Neon Genesis Evangelion. From the most popular releases to the titles you’ve never heard of, KissAnime has it all. KissAnime is a website that strictly uploads anime content.
The ending was shortened to 30 seconds. The scene that shows Shinji's hand covered with Rei's blood was cut. In the General's line "Damn it! We've hit it with everything we've got.", the words "damn it" were cut.
The scene that shows Shinji seeing a pile of crushed beer cans. In the Cartoon Network version it was digitally painted blue. The scene that shows the Yebisu beer was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. The scene where Misato says "And don't worry, I won't be making any passes at him" was cut.
In the Cartoon Network version the garbage pile is blue, and the liquor bottles and beer cans were digitally removed. The scene that shows beer cans and liquor bottles in the garbage pile was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. The scene that shows a shelf covered with various bottles of liquor was cut.
The scene that shows Yebisu beer cans on the table, and in Misato's hand was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. The scene that shows Misato drinking a can of beer was cut. The scene that shows Shinji asking about the second refrigerator while Misato changes clothes was cut. In the Cartoon Network version the beer cans and liquor bottles were digitally removed. The scene that shows beer cans and liquor bottles in the table was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. The scene that shows Shinji taking inventory of Misato's refrigerator was cut.
The scene of that shows Shinji and Misato playing Jankenpon in front of a pile of beer cans was cut. The scene that shows a close up of Misato's butt as she reprimanded Shinji was cut. The scene that shows Shinji cowering before Misato's breasts was cut.

The scene that shows Misato in the bath talking to Ritsuko on the phone was cut. The scene that shows Shinji encountering Pen Pen, and talking to Misato was cut. The scene that shows Shinji nude and looking at Misato's drying lingerie was cut. The scene that shows Misato's drying her lingerie was cut. In the Cartoon Network version the beer cans were digitally removed.
The scene that shows Eva Unit 01 breaking the angel's arms was cut. The scene where Misato says "My god!" and Ritsuko says "Berserker" was cut. The scene that shows Eva Unit 01's head spraying blood was cut. In the Cartoon Network version she is wearing a bra.

All Asuka's sufferings mind rape cards have been replaced with ones that are more flashy and change positions in an animated manner.The Japanese version is uncensored and the DVD/Blu-ray is uncensored. The scene where Misato says "What good is your goddamn science if it can't even save one life?!" The word "goddamn" was bleeped out. The scene where Shinji says "Goddamnit!" when he confronts Gendo. The scene where Shinji says "Goddamn it all, you filthy stinking monster!" The word "Goddamn" was bleeped out.